Monday, December 3, 2012

Supergirls Saturday Ep.2: Holiday Happiness, Putnam Humane Society, & Johnny Gelato!

Greetings Earthlings!  We will now subject you to yet another busy, fun-filled adventure of Supergirls Saturday – and we hope you like it!  Just in case you missed the first installment, you can check it out here.

Our morning started out with the usual meanderings; getting gas, going to the bank and most importantly locating some form of warm, delectable liquid to satiate our need for either sweetness or caffeine (depending on our mood).  Rachael had gone out for Starbucks with our mutual friend Jessica a week or so ago and found that the Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate was something I could not miss.  Things that are extra sweet sometimes give me a stomach ache but it was too late, I had already gone to the dark side and had to try it.  After the bank and getting gas, we headed to Starbucks and we each got one of the hot chocolates and a coffee for Rach’s main squeeze, Steven.  We then went to Radio Shack to deliver it.  While Rachael was talking to Steven, I just had to take a sip.  I can’t tell you how insane this hot chocolate is! 
They put whipped cream on top, so the temperature was perfect, not too hot for a good, long swig of pure joy.   I don’t go to Starbucks too often because I’m cheap and prefer Dunkin’ Donuts, but I know I will return soon because I am in love.

Next stop? 

primrose school sign

Holiday Happiness at the Primrose School in Somers, NY.   Our coworker Lynne has told us about Holiday Happiness a few times and we always want to go but never get around to it.   Rachael and I were determined to get there this year!  This is a great big lot of vendors selling all different types of things, mostly homemade.  There were also plenty of people selling things they put together in exchange for monetary donations.  Rachael and I, in true generous Supergirls fashion purchased a lens-cleaning kit for $10 each; 100% of the proceeds go to a fundraising tool which began as an incredible story of saving a young man's sight with the help of funds raised by the Somers Lions Club of New York, USA.  Then we spotted a den of Boy Scouts selling an assortment items to raise money for their troop so we each bought a few ‘Instant Snowman S’more’ kits from them for $1 each, they were very good salesmen.   

With so many fabulous items, from local wares to leather goods and sculptures from South Africa, we made several stops along the way eyeballing hundreds of potential gifts. Rachael really lucked out and was able to cross a few people off of her Christmas gift list. 

There were lots of vendors selling hand made ornaments, Christmas and other holiday decorations, scarves, crocheted baby clothing, hair bows, and more.  We walked into a large room which was likely the cafeteria, and there was a small bake sale going on.  Up on a stage was Santa Claus taking pictures with children.  Rachael and I really, really wanted to take a photo with Santa but were unwilling to spend $15 to do so.  Oh well, maybe we can get Kevin or Steven to dress up like Santa and take a photo for free!

We also met a young guy handing out these little vibrant yellow bags which read 'Renvoi bebe BurpGear' on the front.  He offered us each one to put our purchases in.  He started telling us about their new company and that the Holiday Happiness event was their first official day in business.  So I promised him I'd blog about it and help to get their name out there. I went on their website and found out more information about the product and the people behind it. The name of the company is BurpGear and it started with mother of three Rachel D'Ascoli who partnered with her own mother and her sister to create fashionable, comfortable, burp cloths.  The BurpGear burp cloths feature an H-shaped double shoulder design, are liquid resistant, have an adjustable neck strap, come in stylish fabrics, are made in the US and best of all, they are affordable. Be sure to take a moment and check out their website, and they have a facebook page too!

After almost 2 hours of claustrophobia in the hallways of the Primrose school, full to the brim with families doing their shopping, Rachael & I headed to the last of our Holiday Happiness stops; the Putnam Humane Society room.  I knew ahead of time they would be there and I was excited to ‘donate’ (purchase) a few Kitty gift bags with fun and/or yummy things to fill my 4 cats Christmas stocking with.   Yes, I’m a bad cat-mom and did all of my holiday shopping except for the cats! 
The only thing I had for their stocking was a container of cat milk. Lame!  Rachael decided on 2 cute little stockings stuffed with dog bones for her 2 pups at $3 each.


I bought 2 kitty treat gift bags at $6 each.  You wouldn’t believe the loot in these bags!  My cats will be so stoked come Christmas morning.


As you can see, Heartly Starr was very excited. Smile


As we were finishing up in the PHS room, we bumped into Lynne! She said she just knew she’d find us in there with the dog and cat stuff. Yes, we’re suckers for the animals! We chatted for a few minutes and parted ways. That was when Rach and I decided we were done fighting the crowds and spending money, we set out to find our way back to the car. We found it to be drizzling when we got outside and thought we better hurry up and finish our Super girls activities before it started to freeze up. (We are big chickens when it comes to snow/sleet). From Somers we took Route 100 to 202 to 22 North and headed the back way into Danbury, CT. Yes, Trader Joe’s was next on our list. I love this store!!! We both do. I think everyone who goes there just once can easily fall in love with it. The people are so nice, the food is unique, healthy, fun, interesting, organic, fresh … I could go on! I said I was not going to spend a lot of money here but it’s always easier said than done, it’s hard not to try new things when you come to Trader Joe’s. I got a few little gifts there as well, which was helpful. I also got some frozen meals, a couple of yummy looking Macintosh apples, a small box of salted caramel butter cookies my waistline could have done without and some chicken pot stickers that my husband likes (yuck). $50 later, my pockets and pride were hurting! But if I’m being honest, and Rach can totally vouch for this, the frozen meals (mandarin or teriyaki chicken, butternut squash risotto, etc…) are really great tasting and easy to make. Not to mention pretty affordable. Heading out of Trader Joe’s, we knew we had to go to ShopRite as well to get a few staples. We rushed over there, and were in and out quickly. We took all the cold/frozen stuff back to my house and put it in the fridge/freezer because we had one last Supergirls Saturday stop to make.

 And now, without further ado, our first guest blogger & fellow Supergirl:

Johnny Gelato
By Rachael Marchewka

I walked into Johnny Gelato’s with Aimee and said to the man who greeted us “I know it’s 34 degrees outside … but we want Gelato!” He laughed and straight away our experience was nothing but awesome! The case was filled with so many different flavors it was hard to choose.

I knew before I walked in the door that I wanted something with “holiday flair” such as Candy Cane, Gingerbread or Pumpkin. Johnny offered us a sample of anything we wanted; I tried a few flavors but finally decided on Pumpkin (of course) and Gingerbread. Aimee chose Salted Caramel (delish) and Holy Cannoli! All were amazing.

(Aimee's gelato on the left & Rachael's on the right - below you can see the Pints and Pies, etc.)

Johnny was very nice and chatted with us about his grandchildren. He also told us all of the ice cream is homemade. While we were there a local kid stopped in to say hi. Johnny of course gave her a sample of anything she wanted and then after a few minutes of chatting she ran out the door and waved to him. He really is such a wonderful guy. You rock Johnny! We sat down while we ate and took in the décor. There were a few tables and chairs to sit at and there was seating outside as well-of course it was too cold for that. I wanted to be nice and bring my boyfriend something since he was working hard at his store. I stood in front of the case for about five minutes until I finally decided on coffee flavor. We also noticed you could take pints to go and homemade gelato pies, cannolis, and ice cream sandwiches. One really special treat that Johnny offers is the “YOU'RE LOVED” cards.

They make really great gifts! They are definitely worth checking out if you have birthdays coming up or put them in the Christmas Stockings! I took a picture of Aimee and Johnny before we left.

We told him about the blog and he took down the web address and said he'd be interested in checking it out. We had a great experience there. I can’t wait to go back and have some tasty gelato and just to say “HI” to Johnny as well. What a great time we had!

Wow, thanks for writing up that review Rach - great job.  We look forward to having you guest blog for us again soon!

And listen folks, be sure to check out our facebook page often, we will be starting to have little giveaways here and there very soon!

Glad you stopped by to read our 2nd episode of Supergirls Saturday - hopefully we will have another one up soon!

Aimee & Rachael (Kevin, too)


  1. I love Johnny Gelato's Salted Caramel! Good Choice Rachael!

    Also, they have a frequent purchasers card. 10 punches and you get a free scoop.

    Back when I lived in Lake Carmel, Erik and I went often enough that we filled the card- however I have yet to redeem it since I'm all the way over in Peekskill.

    Gotta get over there!

  2. Thanks for commenting! Aimee actually had the salted caramel, it was delicious! After tasting Rachael's and a little bummed I didn't get a scoop of Pumpkin though. I had no idea they had frequent purchases cards. They really are the best gelato around, I take back what I said about Mirabella's - since they get theirs from 'some manufacturer' somewhere and Johnny's is homemade!
